Etiology Consideration for Presenting Complaints – Part:6



AscitesAcute liver failure
1) Exudative/low SAAG-
i. TB, pancreatitis,
ii. Malignancy-hepatic/peritoneal,
iii. Others- nephrotic syndrome,
hypothyroidism, lymphatic
2) Transudative /high SAAG-
i. Cardiac failure- CCF, constrictive
ii. Liver failure- cirrhosis
iii. Malnutrition- PEM, PLE
iv. Hepatic venous occlusion- VOD, BCS
v. Meig’s syndrome- ascites + pleural
effusion + ovarian fibroma
1) Drugs– paracetamol, anti-TB(INH,
Rifampicin), halothane,
MDMA/ecstasy, amphetamine, herbal
2) Infection– HAV, HBV, HEV, non-A-E viral
3) Poison– mushroom(Amanita phalloides)
4) Others– Wilson, leptospirosis, shock, cardiac
failure, Budd-Chiari syndrome, liver
metastasis, lymphoma, acute fatty liver of
5) Cryptogenic cirrhosis
1) Pre-hepatic:
a) Hemolytic- congenital: membrane/enzyme/hemoglobin defect; acquired- autoimmune- CTD,
SLE, RA, vasculitis, drugs, malignancy; alloimmune- HDN, transfusion reaction; non-immune-
Wilson, MAHA, prosthetic valves, PNH, drugs
b) Non-hemolytic- unconjugated- Gilbert’s, Crigler-Najjar; conjugated- Dubin-johnson, Rotor
2) Hepatocellular:
a) Acute- viral hepatitis-ABE, AIH, ALD, Wilson, drugs
b) Chronic- HBV, HCV, ALD, NAFLD, Hemochromatosis, Wilson, Alpha 1 antitrypsin
deficiency, autoimmune hepatitis, PBC, PSC, VOD-BCS, cryptogenic
3) Obstructive:
a) Intrahepatic- PBC, PSC, alcohol, drugs, cardiac cirrhosis, chronic RHF (constrictive
pericarditis), severe sepsis
b) Extrahepatic- cancer- periampullary, carcinoma head of the pancreas, cholangiocarcinoma,
liver metastasis, choledocholithiasis, parasitic- ascaris infection, traumatic biliary stricture,
chronic pancreatitis.

Some others

HepatomegalyCirrhosis of the liver precipitated by
Infection- viral, bacterial
Dehydration- paracentesis, diuretics, loose motion, vomiting
Variceal or non-variceal bleeding
Hypokalemia- vomiting
Drugs- sedatives, antidepressants
Cirrhosis of the liver precipitated by
1. Infection- viral, bacterial
2. Dehydration- paracentesis, diuretics, loose motion, vomiting
3. Constipation
4. Variceal or non-variceal bleeding
5. Hypokalemia- vomiting
6. Drugs- sedatives, antidepressants


  1. Alcoholic liver disease
  2. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
  3. Chronic viral hepatitis B or C
  4. Autoimmune- PBC, PSC, AIH
  5. Genetic- HH, Wilson, a1ATD, CF
  6. Biliary- secondary biliary cirrhosis
  7. Chronic venous outflow obstruction
  8. Any chronic liver disease
  9. Drugs- MTX, amiodarone
  10. Cryptogenic (unknown- 15%)


a) Painful jaundice-

  1. Hepatitis- infective, alcohol, drug, Wilson
  2. Biliary colic- choledocholithiasis
  3. Cholecystitis
  4. Pancreatitis
  5. Metastatic jaundice
  6. Budd-Chiari syndrome

b) Painless jaundice-

  1. Hemolysis – hyperbilirubinemia, gilbert
  2. Pancreatic, biliary, GB, ampullary malignancy
  3. Hepatic cirrhosis- alcohol, NASH, hemochromatosis, PBC
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